Amongst string players and guitarists it is considered good form to equip instruments with handmade strings from Thomastik-Infeld. The manufacturing of strings in the very heart of Vienna – the City of Music – has a long tradition.
Our basic principle is to develop a high-quality musical string at the latest technological level. On the one hand, we set great store by sustainability in environmental and social areas. On the other hand, we pay attention to individual service to enthuse our customers for our products.
The combination of craftsmanship, high tech and a highly qualified team is the secret of the success of Thomastik-Infeld.




Finns för:

Warmly recommended for a GOLDEN SOUND!

Rondo Gold strings for Violin RG100 Warm, shiny, precise!


Designed to support and enhance the performance of soloists




DOMINANT PRO nu även för Viola och Cello!

Following the release of DOMINANT PRO for violin in February 2021, the Vienna based brand have now extended the popular series for viola-players and cellists with their range of 4/4 sized DOMINANT PRO sets and single strings.

50 years after the debut of Dominant, Thomastik-Infeld presents its latest string revolution!
With this new product, we are not aiming to change the basic character of Dominant, 
but rather to offer an additional, contemporary repertoire of strings.

DOMINANT PRO is ideally suited for chamber musicians, soloists and orchestra musicians alike!

Finns för:
VIOLIN        VIOLA        CELLO




Den mest populära syntetsträngen.
som en sensträngen med 
stämhållning som en stålsträng.

Finns för:



Syntetsträng till ett 
oslagbart pris! En lättspelt 
sträng med kort inspelningstid. 

Finns för:

Syntetsträng som ger en 
varm, jämn och balanserad 
ton över alla strängar. 

Finns för:

Syntetsträng med bra balans 
mellan briljant och varm ton 
med stort omfång och dynamik.

Finns för:


Syntetsträng med kraftig,
fyllig ton och snabb respons.

Finns för:



Syntetsträng med varm och 
fokuserad ton och 
kraftfull intensitet.

Finns för:

Syntetsträng med kraftig, 
mogen ton. Framtagna för 
att ersätta sensträngar. 
Kan kombineras med sena 
såväl som syntetsträngar.

Finns för:

Syntetsträng med kraftig, 
mogen ton. Framtagna för 
att ersätta sensträngar. 
Kan kombineras med sena 
såväl som syntetsträngar.

Finns för:

Stålsträng med vacker tonal 
balans med varm och rund botten. 
Fokuserad ton med precis 
intonation. Snabb respons.

Finns för:


Solist stålsträng framtagen för 
perfekt respons, djup styrka 
och optimal projektion.

Finns för:



Stålsträng med spiralkärna ger 
högsta möjliga elasticitet
& en 
varm, mjuk, fullödig ton.

Finns för:

Stålsträng med tvinnad kärna 
som har utmärkt stämhållning 
och lång hållbarhet.

Finns för:


Stålsträng med spriralkärna 
och multi-legerings spinning 
som har utmärkt stämhållning 
och lång hållbarhet. 
Klar fokuserad ton.

Finns för:



Syntetsträng med tonal balans 
och en varm mörkare ton. 
Utmärkt för solister.

Finns för:


Syntetsträng med tonal balans 
och en stark, briljant ton.
Mixa och matcha 
med Infeld Red!

Finns för:



Stålsträng med kärna av 
tvinnad kromstål ger en 
briljant, bärande ton.

Finns för:



Prisbillig stålsträng av 
bra kvalitet. Idealisk för 
spelmän och skol-bruk.

Finns för:

Strängsats framtagen 
för Robert Lakatos
internationellt känd 
Ungersk violinist-virtuos.

Finns för:

Specialframtagna e-strängar 
för den som vill experimentera.

Finns för:






Here are some of its main features:

  • They offer a broad sound AND an excellent response.

  • They have a wide dynamic range AND you can 
    modulate sound colors all along to their full extent.

  • They sound great on most old AND most 
    new instruments.

  • Their sound will blow away the musician AND 
    the audience.

  • Ideally suited for Orchestra players, 
    Chamber musicians and Soloists







Dynamo violinsträngar kombinerar kvaliteter som du vanligtvis inte hittar i ett och samma sträng-set.Thomastik-Infeld har utvecklat Dynamo strängarna med passion och tålamod och resultatet blev tom bättre än vad man kunnat drömma om. 
Dynamo erbjuder en bred ljudbild med utmärkt respons. Stor dynamiskt omfång med möjlighet att modulera hela ljudpalettens färger till dess fulla kapacitet. Dynamo låter fantastiskt på både gamla som nya instrument. Dynamo kommer att imponera på såväl musiker som publik! Passar orkester- och kammar-musiker, såväl som solister!

Thomastik-Infeld DYNAMO® violin strings make you perform like you never have before.

Ideally suited for Orchestra players, Chamber musicians and Soloists

The DYNAMO® set DY100 combines qualities you usually can’t find in one set. We have developed this set of DYNAMO® violin strings with lots of passion and patience. And the outcome is something that is even better than we dreamed of. 
They offer a broad sound AND an excellent response. 
They have a wide dynamic range AND you can modulate sound colors all along to their full extent. 
They sound great on most old AND most new instruments. 

Their sound will blow away the musician AND the audience.

TH DY01       E    multilayer/tenn-pläterad karbonstål, avt. kula 
TH DY02       A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH DY03A     D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH DY04       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH DY100

TH DY03      D    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlek:  VIOLIN 4/4
32,5 cm (vibrating string length)








Here are some of its main features:

  • They offer a broad sound AND an excellent response.

  • They have a wide dynamic range AND you can 
    modulate sound colors all along to their full extent.

  • They sound great on most old AND most 
    new instruments.

  • Their sound will blow away the musician AND 
    the audience.

  • Ideally suited for Orchestra players, 
    Chamber musicians and Soloists







Dynamo violasträngar kombinerar kvaliteter som du vanligtvis inte hittar i ett och samma sträng-set.Thomastik-Infeld har utvecklat Dynamo strängarna med passion och tålamod och resultatet blev tom bättre än vad man kunnat drömma om. 
Dynamo erbjuder en bred ljudbild med utmärkt respons. Stor dynamiskt omfång med möjlighet att modulera hela ljudpalettens färger till dess fulla kapacitet. Dynamo låter fantastiskt på både gamla som nya instrument. Dynamo kommer att imponera på såväl musiker som publik! Passar orkester- och kammar-musiker, såväl som solister!

Thomastik-Infeld DYNAMO® viola strings make you perform like you never have before.

Ideally suited for Orchestra players, Chamber musicians and Soloists

The DYNAMO® set DY200 combines qualities you usually can’t find in one set. We have developed this set of DYNAMO® viola strings with lots of passion and patience. And the outcome is something that is even better than we dreamed of. 
They offer a broad sound AND an excellent response. 
They have a wide dynamic range AND you can modulate sound colors all along to their full extent. 
They sound great on most old AND most new instruments. 
Their sound will blow away the musician AND the audience.

TH DY21       A    karbon-stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH DY22A     D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH DY23       G    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH DY24       C    syntetkärna, silver/wolframspunnen
TH DY200







Vi presenterar Rondo Gold strängset för violin. Där varje ton är ett mästerverk och varje framträdande blir en hyllning av exceptionellt sound. Tillverkad med precision och passion erbjuder detta sträng-set en oöverträffad upplevelse för kräsna musiker.

Introducing the Thomastik Rondo Gold Violin String Set, where every note is a masterpiece and every performance is a celebration of exceptional sound. Crafted with precision and passion, this string set offers an unparalleled experience for discerning musicians.

Boasting an exceptional, warm and sweet core sound, these strings deliver broad, vivid overtones with clean, crisp clarity and a unique golden shine. The left-hand feel is flexible and springy, enhancing your connection to the instrument. Enjoy a fast and reliable bow response, allowing for precise musical expression. The E strings offer performance optimization options, with the tin-plated E enhancing G string brilliance and the gold-plated E providing a lower tension choice to broaden D&G.

String Options
(RG01): Tin-plated Carbon Steel (18.1 lb)
E-string (RG01AU): Gold-plated Carbon Steel (17.6 lb)

TH RG01       E    tenn-pläterad karbonstål, med avtagbar kula 
TH RG02       A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH RG03A     D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH RG04       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH RG100

TH RG01AU   E    guld-pläterad karbonstål, med avtagbar kula

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlek:  VIOLIN 4/4
32,5 cm (vibrating string length)





Here are some of its main features:

  • Broad dynamic range

  • Deep tonal color

  • Intense focus

  • Professional players choose the RONDO® set RO100 
    for its exceptionally deep tonal intensity. 
    Its fast bow response supports a direct character 
    at any dynamic level, while its strong focus makes 
    it sound compact and projective.

  • Ideally suited for Soloists







Rondo är en trio strängset som designats för att hjälpa och förbättra solist-framförande och ge en uppsjö av komplexa möjligheter för professionella musiker. Ger solon styrka, bra  projektion och en rik ljudbild som passar alla musiksammanhang.

What started with outstanding strings for violin is now available for viola and cello as well. RONDO® strings were designed to support and enhance the performance of soloists and offer an abundance of complex possibilities, while also delighting professional musicians with soloistic power, great projection and a rich sound, suitable for all musical uses. You're curious whether RONDO® is the perfect fit for you? Select your instrument below and find out everything there is to know about RONDO® for violin, viola and cello!

The RONDO® set RO100 is appreciated by professional musicians and soloists for its unique tonal intensity and vast dynamic range with a reliable response. These strings tonally enrich old and modern instruments with an intense depth, brilliant contour and sweetness – sound qualities mostly associated with old Italian instruments. Another particular essence of the NO.RO100 set is its impressive and strong focus that adds an inner tonal density to its focal point of sound. The set’s immediate bow response further supports this focus on all dynamic levels at various bowing speeds, bow pressures and contact points. The Rondo set NO.RO100 combines all these attributes to a deep singing sound quality with a beautifully refined and mature vocal character. This leads to a powerful presence, giving the player confidence when projection and volume need to be delivered with ease.

TH RO01       E    tenn-pläterad karbonstål, med avtagbar kula 
TH RO02       A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH RO03A     D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH RO04       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
RO100    SET   

TH RO02A     A    karbonstål, kromspunnen

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlek:  VIOLIN 4/4
32,5 cm (vibrating string length)






Here are some of its main features:

  • Wide dynamic range

  • Beautiful, warm sound

  • Quick bow response

  • Prominent projection and modulation capacity



Rondo är en trio strängset som designats för att hjälpa och förbättra solist-framförande och ge en uppsjö av komplexa möjligheter för professionella musiker. Ger solon styrka, bra  projektion och en rik ljudbild som passar alla musiksammanhang.

Strings that can be played effortlessly and feature outstanding tuning stability are the optimal tool for long concerts with several encores. RONDO® for viola NO.RO200 offers exactly this, making it the ideal choice for professional musicians. Alongside a clear, warm sound, the set is powerful with a strong projection and modulation capacity.

  • Wide dynamic range: from pianissimo to fortissimo

  • Prominent projection and modulation capacity

  • Clear, warm and full sound with pronounced overtones

  • Effortlessly playable for chamber and orchestra musicians as well as soloists

  • Broad, warm sound on the lower strings, focus and brilliance on the upper strings

  • Excellent corrosion resistance and long tonal and mechanical lifespan

  • Good bow response

TH RO21       A    karbon-stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH RO22       D    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH RO23       G    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH RO24       C    syntetkärna, silver/wolframspunnen
TH RO200


RONDO Viola funkar väldigt bra med PETER INFELD-strängar.

Denna kombination ger en förbättrad bred karaktär och tonal värme.
TH PI21        A    PETER INFELD
TH RO23       G    RONDO
TH RO24       C   

Denna kombination ger en förbättrad stråk-respons och ett mer fokuserat sound.
TH RO21       A    RONDO
TH RO22       D   
TH PI23        G    PETER INFELD
TH PI24        C    PETER INFELD






Here are some of its main features:

  • Clear and velvety

  • Smooth transition

  • The present D-string

  • Play automatic!

  •  Fast response








Rondo är en trio strängset som designats för att hjälpa och förbättra solist-framförande och ge en uppsjö av komplexa möjligheter för professionella musiker. Ger solon styrka, bra  projektion och en rik ljudbild som passar alla musiksammanhang.

Thomastik-Infeld RONDO® RO400 have been tested by over 500 professional cellists worldwide on instruments of the famous old and new masters. The product offers lots of radiance, color, volume and projection, especially for new builds. The strings are very present and masculine with an intense depth of sound, meaning they are more likely to meet the demands of professionals and advanced players. For beginners, enthusiasts and those looking for a more subdued sound character, we recommend Thomastik-Infeld Versum® strings.

The Thomastik-Infeld RONDO® product line is defined by a very clear, powerful and direct sound with a velvety tone color. Cello strings are often associated with the throaty singing of a tenor. However, RONDO® strings sound closer to the chesty voice of a baritone, giving the cello a full, rich and deeper sound. These sound characteristics are also what set the strings apart from other, well-known strings and alternatives within the current Thomastik-Infeld range.

The RO400 set is very homogeneous. The strings are matched in such a way that the tonal and haptic transition between the strings is hardly noticeable.

Cellists frequently complain that the sound and volume of D-strings deteriorates after a short time. This was taken into account in the development of this set, and the RONDO® D-string was deliberately manufactured to emanate a present sound. This makes it a stable bridge between the G- and A-string! The entire set is very powerful and the strings’ sound fills the room even when little bowing pressure is applied.

The strings respond smoothly and without resistance to every change in playing. All Thomastik-Infeld RONDO® strings offer a playing feel comparable to a driving experience with automatic transmission: they create a comfortable and balancing feel across all four strings in all registers and positions.

RONDO® strings have a fast and precise response that is not aggressive.

You’re faced with many challenges on the podium: temperature, humidity, acoustics, your own (nervous) tension. This volatile interplay can make it difficult to completely control movement and sound. Thomastik-Infeld automatic strings provide the perfect support here – they are less sensitive to changes in the contact point between string and bow. This allows these strings to compensate for any possible losses in quality (e.g.: response, sound density, tone beauty) and react predictably and reliably. They provide a comfortable and balancing feeling, comparable to the automatic transmission of a car.

TH RO41       A    karbon-stålkärna, multialloy-spinning
TH RO42       D    karbon-stålkärna, multialloy-spinning
TH RO43       G    spiralkärna, wolfram/kromspunnen
TH RO44       C    spiralkärna, wolfram/kromspunnen
TH RO400







Here are some of its main features:

  • bell-like tonal character

  • high resistance to bow pressure

  • exceptionally powerful

  • good balance of brilliance and warmth

  • very high level of dynamics

  • suitable for soloists

  • reacts immediately with a focused sound core

  • supports the radiance of the instrument in the long term

  • a sound that fills the room

  • broad range of sound colors






Dominant Pro är en vidareutveckling av Dominant, strängen som räknas som referensstandard bland syntetsträngar. Jämfört med Dominant har Dominant Pro en mörkare, mer fokuserad ton med mer direkt respons. Väldigt kraftfull med en bra balans mellan briljans och värme! Passar orkester- och kammar-musiker, såväl som solister!

DOMINANT PRO is ideally suited for chamber musicians, soloists and orchestra musicians alike! 

DOMINANT PRO sound darker, more focused and respond more directly than Dominant strings. Despite their direct response, they give musicians the possibility to create a broad range of sound colours. The string tensions have been increased by an incremental amount to adapt the resistance to bow pressure to suit the extended playing requirements of musicians without overburdening their instrument.
DOMINANT PRO strings assert themselves very well against the sound of an entire orchestra and with corresponding dynamics and a capacity for modulation, they also offer excellent possibilities when used in chamber music. A newly strung set reach their optimum performance and sound capabilities within two to three hours of playing.

TH DP01       E    tenn/nickel-pläterad stål, med avtagbar kula 
TH DP02       A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH DP03A     D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH DP04       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH DP100

TH DP01SN   E    tenn-pläterad stål, smalare diameter
TH DP01AU   E    guld-pläterad stål, 
TH DP01PT   E    platina-pläterad stål, 
      A    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH DP03      D    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlek:  VIOLIN 4/4
32,5 cm (vibrating string length)










Dominant Pro är en vidareutveckling av Dominant, strängen som räknas som referensstandard bland syntetsträngar. Jämfört med Dominant har Dominant Pro en mörkare, mer fokuserad ton med mer direkt respons. Väldigt kraftfull med en bra balans mellan briljans och värme! Passar orkester- och kammar-musiker, såväl som solister!

DOMINANT PRO is ideally suited for chamber musicians, soloists and orchestra musicians alike! 

DOMINANT PRO sound darker, more focused and respond more directly than Dominant strings. Despite their direct response, they give musicians the possibility to create a broad range of sound colours. The string tensions have been increased by an incremental amount to adapt the resistance to bow pressure to suit the extended playing requirements of musicians without overburdening their instrument.
DOMINANT PRO strings assert themselves very well against the sound of an entire orchestra and with corresponding dynamics and a capacity for modulation, they also offer excellent possibilities when used in chamber music. A newly strung set reach their optimum performance and sound capabilities within two to three hours of playing.

  • A dark and warm sound that embraces the player and the audience. The superimposed slight sharpness brings a tingling contrast to the sound image.

  • Despite the wide range of tonal colours, DOMINANT PRO creates a smooth transitionthat ideally combines the specific timbres of the individual strings.

  • Thanks to their vast dynamic range, Thomastik-Infeld DOMINANT PRO viola strings are suitable for orchestral musicians as well as soloists. They handle the entire range of dynamics from piano (p) to fortississimo (fff), and the use of high bow pressure.

  • DOMINANT PRO for viola assert themselves optimally in large orchestras or in a quartet if required, but also easy to play in piano (p).

TH DP21       A    karbon-stålkärna, med avtagbar kula 
TH DP22       D    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH DP23       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH DP24       C    syntetkärna, silver/wolframspunnen
TH DP200











Dominant Pro är en vidareutveckling av Dominant, strängen. Jämfört med Dominant har Dominant Pro en mörkare, mer fokuserad ton med mer direkt respons. Väldigt kraftfull med en bra balans mellan briljans och värme! Passar orkester- och kammar-musiker, såväl som solister!

DOMINANT PRO is ideally suited for chamber musicians, soloists and orchestra musicians alike! 

DOMINANT PRO sound darker, more focused and respond more directly than Dominant strings. Despite their direct response, they give musicians the possibility to create a broad range of sound colours. The string tensions have been increased by an incremental amount to adapt the resistance to bow pressure to suit the extended playing requirements of musicians without overburdening their instrument.
DOMINANT PRO strings assert themselves very well against the sound of an entire orchestra and with corresponding dynamics and a capacity for modulation, they also offer excellent possibilities when used in chamber music. A newly strung set reach their optimum performance and sound capabilities within two to three hours of playing.

  • Inspiration reddefined: Inspired by the sound of a tube amplifier and using the playing possibilities created by an innovative metal core, DOMINANT PRO redefines past tonal ideals. The set has an airy, light sound character with pronounced, brilliant overtones and a pleasently warm basic timbre with plenty of texture.

  • The highest modulation capacity of timbres and sound structure: Depending on the playing style, the sound of strings can be formed with incredible brilliance or to be warm, round and saturated. The sound structure can be wonderfully modulated from fine-grained to coarse-granied.

  • The dynamic range extends from an airy and delicate pianissimo (pp) to a rich fortissimo (ff).

  • Faster than ever; DOMINANT PRO is the name of the fastest and most direct response within the Thomastik-Infeld cello string repertoire. Especially at high bow speed, the strings develop their supporting resonance.

  • Structure: Rich colours and an especially structure sound!

TH DP41       A    karbon-stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH DP42       D    karbon-stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH DP43       G    spiralkärna, nickel-spunnen
TH DP44       C    spiralkärna, wolfram/nickel-spunnen
TH DP400








Syntetsträngen som klingar som sensträngen med stämhållning som stålsträngen. Allmänt känd som referensstandard bland syntetsträngar! Okänslig för klimatväxlingar. 

Widely regarded as “the reference standard” Dominant strings, made with a highly flexible, multi-strand synthetic core, provide the tonal warmth and feel of a gut string while being impervious to changes in humidity. The sound is soft, clear with a stable intonation and they are rich in overtones. One of the world’s most popular strings!

TH 130       E    stål, aluminiumspunnen kula 
TH 130ms   E    stål, aluminiumspunnen slinga
TH 131       A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH 132       D    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH 133       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH 135
      SET (E-kula)                

TH 129       E    stål
TH 132a    D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8






Syntetsträngen som klingar som sensträngen med stämhållning som stålsträngen. Allmänt känd som referensstandard bland syntetsträngar! Okänslig för klimatväxlingar. 

The DOMINANT string is a highly flexible, multi-strand synthetic core string for tonal warmth and feel of gut and is impervious to changes in humidity, allowing for stable intonation and long life. The sound is soft, clear and rich in overtones. DOMINANT strings, widely recognized as “the reference standard”, are legendary for distinctive tone and playability

TH 136       A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH 137       D    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH 138       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH 139       C    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH 141

TH 137a     D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet:  Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)




Syntetsträngen som klingar som sensträngen med stämhållning som stålsträngen. Allmänt känd som referensstandard bland syntetsträngar! Okänslig för klimatväxlingar. 

The DOMINANT string is a highly flexible, multi-strand synthetic core string for tonal warmth and feel of gut and is impervious to changes in humidity, allowing for stable intonation and long life. The sound is soft, clear and rich in overtones. DOMINANT strings, widely recognized as “the reference standard”, are legendary for distinctive tone and playability.

TH 142       A    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 143       D    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 144       G    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 145       C    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 147

TH 144a     G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH 145a     C    syntetkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet:  Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8





Syntetsträngen som klingar som sensträngen med stämhållning som stålsträngen. Allmänt känd som referensstandard bland syntetsträngar! Okänslig för klimatväxlingar. 

The DOMINANT string is a highly flexible, multi-strand synthetic core string for tonal warmth and feel of gut and is impervious to changes in humidity, allowing for stable intonation and long life. The sound is soft, clear and rich in overtones. DOMINANT strings, widely recognized as “the reference standard”, are legendary for distinctive tone and playability

TH 190       G    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 191       D    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 192       A    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 193       E    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 196
TH 194       C    syntetkärna, kromspunnen

TH 190 S     A    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 191 S     E    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 192 S     H    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 193 S     F#  syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH 197

Finns i Storlekar: 3/4         







Kombinera ett oslagbart pris med Thomastik-Infeld´s kvalitet och du behöver inte längre nöja dig med en solid stålsträng för att försäkra dig om hållbarheten. Du kommer att älska dess direkta respons, smidiga spelbarhet och färgrika ton. Alphayue förbättrar dessutom klangen ur det mest enkla student-instrument och gör musicerandet till en fröjd! 



Syntetsträng till ett oslagbart pris! 
En lättspelt sträng med kort inspelningstid. 
För morgondagens solister! 

  • Game changing and durable sound

  • Gets in tune and stays in tune

  • Short break-in-time 

  • Easy to play

Combining an unbeatable price with Thomastik-Infeld quality means you no longer have to settle for solid-steel strings to assure durability. Their advanced synthetic core delivers a rich, colorful sound impossible to achieve with solid steel core strings.

They live a long and powerful life and are unaffected by temperature and humidity changes. Alphayue strings sound great, quickly perk up to their colorful potential, stay in tune and have a forgiving nature.

They improve the sound of even the most basic student instruments, thus the sound of your orchestra as well. You will love their instant response , supple playability and colorful tone. Alphayue’s make practicing more fun and music-making a treat!

TH AL01     E     tennpläterad stål, med avtagbar kula 
TH AL02     A     syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH AL03     D     syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH AL04     G     syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH AL100

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4,  32,5 cm




The experience of joy in playing is the essence of ALPHAYUE. 
The advanced synthetic core offers an unparalleled sound 
quality and a gentle feeling on your fingertips. The strings 
quickly perk up to their full petential and are instantly 
ALPHAYUE strings improve the sound of even the 
most basic student instruments, thus the sound of the 
orchestra as well.

Over 17 years ago Thomastik-Infeld introduced the use of 
Monel in string development. Monel is a natural alloy, 
impervious to perspiration and suited for artists with a 
nickel allergy. Unaffected by temperature and humidity 
changes, these strings live a long and powerful life. 

ALPHAYUE G- and C-strings are Monel wound.

With its lower tension, ALPHAYUE strings are more left-hand 
friendly and don't stress your instrument as much as other 

With brilliant overtones and a full and dark foundation, 
ALPHAYUE is suitable for the full range of instruments, 
from dark to bright.


Syntetsträng till ett oslagbart pris! 
En lättspelt sträng med kort inspelningstid. 
För morgondagens solister! 

  • Game changing

  • Brilliant overtones with a full and 
    dark fundamental sound

  • Immediate bow response

  • Beautiful projection and power

  • Gentle feeling in your fingers and left hand

  • Extremely sweat-proof

  • Short break-in time, excellent tuning 
    stability and lifespan

Combining an unbeatable price with Thomastik-Infeld quality means you no longer have to settle for solid-steel strings to assure durability. Their advanced synthetic core delivers a rich, colorful sound impossible to achieve with solid steel core strings.

They live a long and powerful life and are unaffected by temperature and humidity changes. Alphayue strings sound great, quickly perk up to their colorful potential, stay in tune and have a forgiving nature.

TH AL21     A     karbonstål, kromspunnen, avtagbar kula 
TH AL22     D     syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH AL23     G     syntetkärna, monelspunnen
TH AL24     C     syntetkärna, monelpunnen
TH AL200

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlekar: 
4/4 - 
37,5 cm   
3/4 - 35 cm





Sträng med stålkärna. Mjuk känsla med vacker balans över alla strängar. Utmärkt stämhållning och lång hållbarhet.

  • Beautiful balance across all strings

  • Distinct warmth and well-aimed focus

  • Soft finger feeling

  • Excellent tuning stability and lifespan

When looking for ideal strings for a cello common issues are shrill A-strings and dark, dull G- & C-strings. ALPHAYUE G and C delight with beautiful warmth and well-aimed focus. The customized Hydronalium winding makes the ALPHAYUE A-string thicker, leading to a very gentle feeling on your fingers as well as immediate playability. This combination of materials also delivers a distinctive warm sound with well-aimed foucs offering new possibilities previously impossible to achieve at this level.

The experience of joy in playing is the essence of ALPHAYUE - defined by beautiful balance across all strings, instant response and effortless modulation. The strings quickly perk up to their full sound potential and impress with great tuning stability. They improve the sound of even the most basic student instruments. Unaffected by temperature, humidity changes and perspiration - they are also long lasting!

Suitable for the full range of instruments, from dark to bright

TH AL41     A     stålkärna, hydronalium-spunnen
TH AL42     D     stålkärna,
spunnen med multilegering
TH AL43     G     tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH AL44     C     tvinnad stålkärna, krompunnen
TH AL400

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlekar: 
4/4 - 
70 cm   
3/4 - 65 cm





Syntetsträng som ger en varm, jämn och balanserad ton över alla strängar. Perfekt för den som vill balansera upp ett instrument med vass ton.

  • Vibrant and warm sound

  • Easy response

  • Soft left hand feeling

  • Long life span

Behind each string of the Spirit! string line for violin and cello is the fundamental idea that making music should bring you joy. The advancing player and aspiring artist will discover that Spirit! strings provide them with everything needed to produce a distinguished sound for every kind of music. These strings impress with an even, balanced tone across all strings and have a beautiful, warm tone, making it also an excellent choice for those looking to balance out a brighter-sounding instrument.

TH SP01        E    tennpläterad stål, med avtagbar kula 
TH SP02        A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH SP03        D    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH SP04        G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH SP100

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4,  32,5 cm





Stålsträng som ger en varm, jämn och balanserad ton över alla strängar. Perfekt för den som vill balansera upp ett instrument med lite vass ton.

  • Vibrant and warm sound

  • Easy response

  • Soft left hand feeling

  • Long life span

Behind each string of the SPIRIT! string line for violoncello is the fundamental idea that making music should bring you joy. The amateur and the aspiring music enthusiast alike, both, will discover the right features in this string line, giving you everything you need to produce a distinguished sound for every kind of music. 

TH SP41        A    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH SP42        D    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH SP43        G    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH SP44        C    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH SP400

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4,  70 cm







Syntetsträng med en perfekt blandning av kraft och elegans. Bra balans mellan briljant och varm ton med stort omfång och dynamik.

  • Rich spectrum of sound colours

  • Perfect blend of power and elegance

  • High dynamic range

  • Instant bow response

  • Superior tuning stability

  • Three E string and two D string choices

  • First ever Platinum plated E string

A revolution in tonal sound and color for the discerning musician, Peter Infeld (PI) strings produce a rich spectrum of sound colors, the perfect blend of power and elegance, and a wide dynamic range. The strings deliver instant bow response as well as superior tuning ability. The soft left hand feeling brings out the best in you and your performance. Choose from Tin, Gold and the unique Platinum plated and thus very powerful E-strings, and the Aluminum or Silver wound D-strings to achieve a made-to-measure sound for each individual instrument and player.

TH PI01pt    E    platinumpläterad stål
TH PI02       A   
syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH PI03A    D   
syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH PI04       G   
syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH PI100     SET

TH PI01sn    E    tennpläterad stål
TH PI01au    E    guldpläterad stål
TH PI03        D    nylon, aluminiumspunnen






En perfekt blandning av kraft och elegans. Bra balans mellan briljant och varm ton med stort omfång och dynamik.

  • Vast range of tone colors

  • Powerful projection 

  • Immediate response

With the long-awaited introduction of the Peter Infeld (PI) strings for viola, Thomastik-Infeld has employed cutting-edge technology to create an unparalleled playing experience for professional violists. Peter Infeld strings radiate a rich, dark sound with a beautiful timbre that can be both big and powerful as well as tender and nuanced. The vast spectrum of tone colors created by PI strings enables you to achieve complete musical expression. The sound of PI strings effortlessly finds its way to the remote corner of a large hall without losing any of its tone colors or expressive qualities.

The cutting-edge core material enables the immediate translation of every single impulse from the left hand or bow into an expressive and powerful sound. The left hand feel is gentle and engaging. PI‘s unique ZEBRA-windings provide rich overtones and an extraordinary bow sound. Musical versatility is the hallmark of extraordinary viola performance when playing in a quartet, orchestra or soloistically. With its smooth, warm top and powerful bottom strings, PI offers abundant modulation in all ranges and exceptional support for violists.

PI strings provide excellent pitch stability and can perform tasks ranging from the subtlest tonal effects to producing a strong, sonorous sound, allowing you to blend in and stand out!

TH PI21      A    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH PI22A    D    syntetkärna, krom-combo spunnen
TH PI23      G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH PI24      C    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH PI200

Hårdhet: Medium (M)







Syntetsträng med kraftig, fyllig ton och snabb respons.

Wound on an advanced synthetic core, Vision strings are designed to settle in quickly and to achieve a stable tuning within a very short time. They impress with a focused, clear, open and brilliant tone; a perfect fit for today’s modern sound. Vision strings can be mixed with almost any synthetic core string.

TH VI01      E    multilayer steel wire, tinplated
TH VI02     A   
syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH VI03A   D   
syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VI04      G   
syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VI100

TH VI02B    A    stål, kromspunnen
TH VI03      D   
syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8





Syntetsträng med kraftig, fyllig ton och snabb respons.

Vision Viola strings produce a powerful, sonorous tone with the perfect balance of brilliance and warmth. They are state-of-the-art allround strings with excellent tuning stability, quick response and great modulation. Vision Viola strings have a long life span and considerably reduce the playing-intime. The instrument achieves its full sound spectrum within a couple of hours.

TH VI21      A    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH VI22A    D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VI23     G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VI24      C    syntetkärna, wolfram-silverspunnen
TH VI200

TH VI21B    A    stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen






Syntetsträng med varm och fokuserad ton och kraftfull intensitet.

Vision Solo violin strings feature a technically advanced formulation and architecture designed to produce a blend of exceptional performance and playing characteristics. They offer great warmth with focus and clarity as well as energetic and intense projection. Using advanced synthetic core technology, they are easy to play and settle-in in just one to two hours. They offer unparalleled tuning stability, respond quickly and are more durable than most synthetic core strings.

TH VIS01      E    multilayer steel wire, tinplated
TH VIS02     A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH VIS03      D    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH VIS04      G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen

TH VIS03A   D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8






Syntetsträng med varm och fokuserad ton och kraftfull intensitet.

Vision Solo viola strings feature a technically advanced formulation and architecture designed to produce a blend of exceptional performance and playing characteristics. They offer great warmth with focus and clarity as well as energetic and intense projection. Using advanced synthetic core technology, they are easy to play and settle-in in just one to two hours. They offer unparalleled tuning stability, respond quickly and are more durable than most synthetic core strings.

TH VIS21      A    stål, kromspunnen
TH VIS22     D    syntetkärna, kromspunnen
TH VIS23      G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VIS24      C    syntetkärna, silverspunnen

TH VIS22A    D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)






Syntetsträng med kraftig, mogen ton.
Framtagna för att ersätta sensträngar. Kan kombineras med sena såväl som syntetsträngar.

Vision Titanium Solo strings are wound on an advanced synthetic core, while their highly polished surface allows for effortless left-hand technique. They offer incredible focus on the upper strings and clarity and are perfect for soloists. These strings settle in very quickly and offer unparalleled tuning stability. They are more durable than most synthetic core strings and respond quickly. Ball ends are made of Titanal.

TH VIT01       E    titanstål
TH VIT02      A    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH VIT03       D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VIT04       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen






Syntetsträng med kraftig, mogen ton.
Framtagna för att ersätta sensträngar. Kan kombineras med sena såväl som syntetsträngar.

Vision Titanium Orchestra strings were developed to replace gut strings and are perfect for orchestra and chamber music players. They can be mixed and matched with both synthetic core strings and pure gut strings. Using advanced synthetic core technology they settle in very quickly, offer unparalleled tuning stability and respond quickly. Ball ends are made of Titanal.

TH VIT01o       E    titanstål
TH VIT02o      A    syntetkärna, hydronaliumspunnen
TH VIT03o       D    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VIT04o       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH VIT100o






Syntetsträng med tonal balans och en varm, mörkare ton. Utmärkt för solister.

Wound on an advanced synthetic core, the Infeld string system is designed to cover the entire tonal spectrum, enabling players to achieve string-bystring tonal preferences without the headaches of uneven string-to-string tensions. Infeld Red strings are designed to create a powerful, warm and expansive tone. These strings are excellent for soloists. 

TH IR01       E    guldpläterad kromstål
TH IR02       A    kompositkärna, hydronaliumspunnen
TH IR03       D    kompositkärna, hydronaliumspunnen
TH IR04       G    kompositkärna, silverspunnen
TH IR100     SET






Syntetsträng med tonal balans och en stark, briljant ton. Mixa och matcha med Infeld Red!

Infeld Blue strings radiate strong power and brilliance. Mix and match within the Infeld Red and Blue string system to realize your sound ideas! The perfectly attuned strings with identical tension enable you to modify your tone and assemble your sound to your individual liking, personal needs and unique style!

TH IB01       E    tennpläterad karbonstål
TH IB02       A    kompositkärna, hydronaliumspunnen
TH IB03       D    kompositkärna, hydronaliumspunnen
TH IB04       G    kompositkärna, silverspunnen
TH IB100     SET





Strängsats framtagen för Robert Lakatos, internationellt känd Ungersk violinist-virtuos.

Designed for Roby Lakatos himself, an internationally renowned Hungarian violinist known for his virtuosic style, Lakatos violin strings perfectly combine beautiful balance, an open and powerful sound, direct response and great playability! Roby Lakatos is renowned for his mix of gipsy music and jazz with classical music.

TH RL01       E    stål
TH RL02      A    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH RL03       D    syntetkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH RL04       G    syntetkärna, silverspunnen
TH RL100






SPECIAL E-strängar  VIOLIN  

Specialframtagna e-strångar för den som vill experimentera.

The e01 E-string combines a powerful, focused and brilliant sound with exceptional response! The 48 gold-plated E-string offers great balance with a warm sound while still retaining clarity. It excels with good response and extreme corrosion resistance. While gold plated E-strings tend to whistle, the 48 E-string drastically reduces the whistling that might occur.

TH 48w     E    guldpläterad kromstål, soft
TH 48       E    guldpläterad kromstål, medium
TH 48st    E    guldpläterad kromstål, heavy

TH e01w   E    multilager förtennad karbonstål, soft
TH e01     E    multilager förtennad karbonstål, med
TH e01st   E    multilager förtennad karbonstål,heavy







VERSUM A+D                   VERSUM G+C
A velvety, warm bottom with a sweet top

VERSUM A+D                 SPIROCORE G+C  
=  A focused bottom with a sweet top 

VERSUM A+D              VERSUM SOLO G+C          
=  Fine, open sound 

VERSUM SOLO A+D             VERSUM G+C          
=  Warmth and brilliance in powerful harmony   




Stålsträng med vacker tonal balans med varm och rund botten. Fokuserad ton med precis intonation. Snabb respons.

  • Elegant balance of warmth and sweetness 

  • Precise and focused

  • Quick response 
  • A sweet top and a warm, velvety and round bottom

VERSUM strings impress with a beautiful tonal balance. Their focused sound and precise and powerful intonation give your instrument a unique personality and offer you great versatility in expression. A vast spectrum of tone colors and an ideal balance across all strings provide support for the cello’s lower voice while accentuating its soloistic opportunities. 

The strings boast stability under changing conditions and stand the test of time. They respond instantly, convince with their great dynamic range and are ideal for principal and orchestra players as well as chamber music.

VERSUM A and D inspire with their sweetness and their sunny and open sound, giving them height and air and a sense of warmth and fullness.

VERSUM C and G enchant with a velvety warmth, a powerful round color and beautiful depth. They create a smooth and saturated sound with a crisp texture that envelops your audience in its soundstage. Just like SPIROCORE, VERSUM is also engineered around an ultra-flexible spiral core and the game-changing tungsten winding.

TH VE41     A    stålkärna, spunnen med multilegering
TH VE42     D    stålkärna, spunnen med multilegering
TH VE43     G    spiral stålkärna, spunnen med wolfram/krom
TH VE44     C    spiral stålkärna, spunnen med wolfram/krom
TH VE400

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4,  70 cm





  VERSUM SOLO A+D            SPIROCORE G+C          
=  Impeccable focus and maximum power       

VERSUM SOLO A+D              VERSUM G+C          
=  Warmth and brilliance in powerful harmony   

VERSUM SOLO A+D          VERSUM SOLO G+C          
=  Vital power with elegant voice 

VERSUM A+D              VERSUM SOLO G+C          
=  Fine, open sound 





Solist stålsträng framtagen för perfekt respons, djup styrka och optimal projektion.

  • Powerful body 

  • Soloistic brilliance

  • Maximum resillience 

For over 18 months VERSUM SOLO was put to the test with more than 100 international soloists and professional musicians in 300 independent try-outs.

The VERSUM SOLO edition offers unprecedented possibilities of combining color, sound and texture. These strings were designed for profound power, ideal response and optimal projection – and they deliver! With effortless virtuosity they are poised to enhance the performances of even the most discerning players and cut through any acoustical situation.

TH VES41    A    stålkärna, spunnen med multilegering
TH VES42    D    stålkärna, spunnen med multilegering
TH VES43    G    spiral stålkärna, spunnen med wolfram/krom
TH VES44    C    spiral stålkärna, spunnen med wolfram/krom

Hårdhet: Medium (M)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4,  70 cm

With the VERSUM SOLO A comes a new freedom of expression! It impresses with its richly smooth, saturated warm tone colors and soloistic brilliance. Even in full performance it does not compromise in sound, both in the delicate Pianissimo as well as the rich Fortissimo and still offers the diverse tonal palette a cellist needs on stage. Thanks to its effortless and elegant response VERSUM SOLO is swift to react. With a beautiful body and distinguished projection, the VERSUM SOLO A is a league of its own!

The new VERSUM SOLO D compensates for the common flaws of D-strings and offers the captivating presence, textured body and vast color spectrum you have been searching for. Its exceptional design made of ultra-light aluminum and a synthetic coated copper winding allows for a much smaller string diameter than commonly expected from a D-string. The result: a brilliant, powerful and rich sound that turns the D-string into an ideal bridge between G and A. It also enables you to easily draw harmonic overtones from your instrument. After a short settling time VERSUM SOLO lets you express elegant piano nuances and lets you live your solistic presence to the fullest.

VERSUM SOLO G- and C-strings embody an as yet unrivalled synthesis of explosive dynamics and graceful flexibility with the best possible response. Their solid, deep core tone is surprising with its brilliant and vivid note. Their modulation capability is just as exceptional: whether soft and sweet piano, valiant fortissimo passages or simply the earthy response – the sky’s the limit for the player. The intonation can also be fully customized: whether soft, hard or sharp, from Baroque to modern, VERSUM SOLO G- and C-strings offer the highest level of possible tones and variations. Combined with VERSUM SOLO A- and D-strings, the descant strings sound even livelier and more dynamic. At the same time, they support an exquisite sound with vocal quality.










Stålsträngen med spiralkärna ger högsta möjliga elasticitet och en varm, mjuk, fullödig ton.

Spirocore strings have a flexible multiwire spiral rope core. They offer a longer period of musical vibration and significantly reduce inertia. Spirocore strings are equally effective when playing arco or pizzicato. They are highly responsive and long lasting.

TH S9         E    stål, aluminiumspunnen 
TH S10      A    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S12       D    stål, kromspunnen
TH S13       G    stål, kromspunnen
TH S15       SET               

TH S8         E    stål, kromspunnen
TH S11     A    stål, aluminiumspunnen 
TH S12a      D    stål, aluminiumspunnen 
TH S14       G    stål, silverspunnen
TH S16       G    stål, wolframspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)






Stålsträngen med spiralkärna ger högsta möjliga elasticitet och en varm, mjuk, fullödig ton.

Spirocore strings have a flexible multiwire spiral rope core. They offer a longer period of musical vibration and significantly reduce inertia. Spirocore strings are equally effective when playing arco or pizzicato. They are highly responsive and long lasting.

TH S18       A    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S19      D    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S20       G    stål, kromspunnen
TH S22       C    stål, kromspunnen
TH S23      SET               

TH S17       A    stål, aluminiumspunnen 
TH S19a    D    stål, aluminiumspunnen 
TH S20a     G    stål, silverspunnen 
TH S21       C    stål, silverspunnen
TH S24       C    stål, wolframspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Mensur 37 cm/14,5"






Stålsträngen med spiralkärna ger högsta möjliga elasticitet & en varm, mjuk, fullödig ton.

  • Round and rich sound with excellent brilliance

  • Precise focus

  • Outstanding lifespan

Thomastik-Infeld Vienna engineered, paired and perfected the ultra-flexible spiral core and the pioneering tungsten winding in 1957 – making SPIROCORE the revolutionary original and enduring reference standard. These strings support professional musicians, performing in orchestras or chamber music.

Spirocore strings have a flexible multiwire spiral rope core. They offer a longer period of musical vibration and significantly reduce inertia. Spirocore strings are equally effective when playing arco or pizzicato. They are highly responsive and long lasting. Spirocore strings, widely recognized as “the reference standard”, are renowned for their distinctive tone and playability.

TH S25       A    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S27      D    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S28       G    stål, kromspunnen
TH S29       C    stål, kromspunnen
TH S31      SET               

TH S26       A    stål, aluminiumspunnen 
TH S27a    D    stål, aluminiumspunnen 
TH S28a     G    stål, silverspunnen 
TH S30       C    stål, silverspunnen
TH S32       G    stål, wolframspunnen
TH S33       C    stål, wolframspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)




60 years ago Thomastik-Infeld invented the spiral rope core high twist used in SPIROCORE strings. For 60 years and counting it still remains unrivalled! SPIROCORE strings stand out with a distinctive focus, a brilliant and clear top and a very powerful bottom, ideal for dark sounding instruments.

They have a very long life span and will support your every move and tone. The spiral rope core enables prompt translation of every impulse from the left hand or bow into an expressive and powerful sound.

They impress with a long sustain, growl, punch and power but also with their great dynamic range and their multiplicity of tone colors. Designed to set the standard for the greatest Jazz players, more and more Arco soloists continue to discover the beauty of sound and playability of SPIROCORE strings.





Stålsträngen med spiralkärna ger högsta möjliga elasticitet & en varm, mjuk, fullödig ton.

Spirocore strings have a flexible multiwire spiral rope core. They offer a longer period of musical vibration and significantly reduce inertia. Spirocore strings are equally effective when playing arco or pizzicato. They are highly responsive and long lasting. Spirocore strings, widely recognized as “the reference standard” are renowned for their distinctive tone and playability.

TH S36     G    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S37    D    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S38     A    stål, kromspunnen
TH S39     E    stål, kromspunnen
TH S42    SET               
TH S35     c    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S40    C    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S41     H    stål, kromspunnen
TH S44     C 2,10 Extension 

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4

TH S36S     A    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S37S    E    stål, kromspunnen 
TH S38S     H    stål, kromspunnen
TH S39S     F#  stål, kromspunnen
TH S43      SET               
TH S40S     C#  stål, kromspunnen 
TH S44S    F#  Extension 








Stålsträng med tvinnad kärna som har utmärkt stämhållning och lång hållbarhet.

Belcanto Viola, that's the latest addition to the successful Belcanto string line. They are sophisticated allround strings with excellent tuning stability, quick response and a wide dynamic range. Belcanto Viola strings are extremely durable and stand the test of time.

TH BC21      A    stål, kromspunnen
TH BC22     D    tvinnad stål, aluminiumspunnen
TH BC23      G    tvinnad stål, silverspunnen
TH BC24      C    stål, silverspunnen
TH BC200

Hårdhet: Medium (M)






Stålsträng med spriralkärna som har utmärkt stämhållning och lång hållbarhet.

'Belcanto strings offer a bright, clear and balanced sound. The Belcanto string system – including Belcanto and Belcanto Gold – enables individual customi - zation of sound without compromising tension balance by mixing strings from both sets.

TH BC25      A    stål, kromspunnen
TH BC27     D    stål, kromspunnen
TH BC28      G    spiral stålkärna, krompunnen
TH BC33      C    spiral stålkärna, wolframspunnen
TH BC31  

Hårdhet: Medium (M)








Stålsträng med spriralkärna och multi-legerings spinning som har utmärkt stämhållning och lång hållbarhet. Klar fokuserad ton.

Belcanto, that’s a new string concept for cellos designed to capture the modern sound. Belcanto Gold strings offer a transparent, rich tone and a warm timbre. They are 100% nickel-free, suitable for players who have allergic reactions to nickel. The Belcanto string system enables individual customi - zation of sound without compromising tension balance by mixing strings from both sets – Belcanto and Belcanto Gold.

TH BC25G      A    stål, multilegeringsspinning
TH BC27G     D    stål, multilegeringsspinning
TH BC28G      G    spiral stålkärna, multilegeringsspinning
TH BC33G      C    spiral stålkärna, wolfram/multilegering
TH BC31G  

Hårdhet: Medium (M)






BELCANTO is the number one choice for Orchestra players. They allow a multitude of possibilities to blend in while offering the focus and projection bass players need to stand out. You will love their smooth, dark and warm sound, beautiful clarity as well as excellent resonance. They impress with a vast spectrum of tone colors, a precise and powerful intonation and abundant modulation in all ranges.

Because of their unique steel rope core design, they settle in very quickly and convince with extreme tuning stability.

These strings offer quick bow response for the classical music repertoire but also natural pizzicato for Jazz. The left hand feel is gentle and engaging, and they feel soft under your fingers.

With only moderate effort, they give you outstanding projection.



Stålsträng med tvinnad kärna som har utmärkt stämhållning och lång hållbarhet.

Belcanto Bass is an arco double bass string with a unique steel rope core design. It has a dark and warm tone with excellent resonance and a wide range of tone colors. It offers quick bow response for Classic and a natural pizzicato sound for Jazz.
The Belcanto set with its specially twisted steel rope core settles in quickly and intonates extremely well. The tone is dark and warm with excellent resonance and a wide range of tone colors. It offers great projection with moderate effort.

TH BC61       G    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen 
TH BC62      D    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen 
TH BC63       A    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen
TH BC64       E    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen
TH BC600     SET               

TH BC65       H    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen
TH BC64C     C, 2,10 Extension 

TH BC61S      A    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen 
TH BC62S     E    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen 
TH BC63S      H    tvinnad stål, kromspunnen
TH BC64S      F#  tvinnad stål, kromspunnen
TH BC600S   SET               








Stålträng med kärna av tvinnad kromstål ger en briljant, bärande ton.

The steel rope core of Superflexible strings reduces stiffness and improves elasticity. The strings offer excellent purity of open fifths. Their impressive durability and tuning stability make them very dependable all-around strings.

TH 9        E    tvinnad stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen 
TH 10     A    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 12      D    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 13      G    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 15      SET               

TH 8        E    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 11      A    tvinnad stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen 
TH 14      G    tvinnad stålkärna, silverspunnen
TH 16      G    tvinnad stålkärna, wolframspunnen

Hårdhet: Lagerföres endast i Medium (M)







Stålträng med kärna av tvinnad kromstål ger en briljant, bärande ton.

The steel rope core of Superflexible strings reduces stiffness and improves elasticity. The strings offer excellent purity of open fifths. Their impressive durability and tuning stability make them very dependable all-around strings.

TH 18       A    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 19      D    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 20       G    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 22       C    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 23        SET               

Hårdhet: Lagerföres endast i Medium (M)

TH 17         A     tvinnad stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen 
TH 20A     G    tvinnad stålkärna, silverspunnen
TH 21       C    tvinnad stålkärna, silverspunnen
TH 24       C    tvinnad stålkärna, wolframspunnen







Stålträng med kärna av tvinnad kromstål ger en briljant, bärande ton.

The steel rope core of Superflexible strings reduces stiffness and improves elasticity. The strings offer excellent purity of open fifths. Their impressive durability and tuning stability make them very dependable all-around strings.

TH 25      A    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 27     D    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 28      G    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 29      C    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 31       SET               

Hårdhet: Lagerföres endast i Medium (M)

TH 26        A     tvinnad stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen 
TH 28A     G    tvinnad stålkärna, silverspunnen
TH 30       C    tvinnad stålkärna, silverspunnen
TH 32       G    tvinnad stålkärna, wolframspunnen
TH 33       C    tvinnad stålkärna, wolframspunnen







Stålträng med kärna av tvinnad kromstål ger en briljant, bärande ton.

The steel rope core of Superflexible strings reduces stiffness and improves elasticity. The strings offer excellent purity of open fifths. Their impressive durability and tuning stability make them very dependable all-around strings.

TH 36       G    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 37      D    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 38       A    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 39       E    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 42        SET                

TH 35       c    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 40      C    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 41       H    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 44       C 2,10  Extension 

TH 36S      A    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 37S     E    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 38S      H    tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 39S      F#  tvinnad stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 43       SET               
TH 40S      C#  stål, kromspunnen  







Prisbillig stålsträng av bra kvalitet. Idealisk för spelmän och skol-bruk.

Präzision strings have a solid steel core and produce a beautiful sound with brilliance. They are very durable, have a long life span and present a budget solution for players in all fields.

TH 50      E    kromstål 
TH 51     A    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 53      D    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 54      G    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 58     SET               

TH 49      E    tennpläterad stål
TH 52     A    stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH 55      G    stålkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16







Prisbillig stålsträng av bra kvalitet. Idealisk för spelmän och skol-bruk.

Präzision strings have a solid steel core and produce a beautiful sound with brilliance. They are very durable, have a long life span and present a budget solution for players in all fields.

TH 70      A    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 72     D    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 73      G    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 75      C    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 79       SET               

TH 71     A    stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH 76      C    stålkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)







Prisbillig stålsträng av bra kvalitet. Idealisk för spelmän och skol-bruk.

Präzision strings have a solid steel core and produce a beautiful sound with brilliance. They are very durable, have a long life span and present a budget solution for players in all fields.

TH 90       A    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 93      D    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 95       G    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 98       C    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 102      SET               

TH 91      A    stålkärna, aluminiumspunnen
TH 96       G    stålkärna, silverspunnen
TH 99       C    stålkärna, silverspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4







Prisbillig stålsträng av bra kvalitet. Idealisk för spelmän och skol-bruk.

Präzision strings have a solid steel core and produce a beautiful sound with brilliance. They are very durable, have a long life span and present a budget solution for players in all fields.

TH 121      G    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 122     D    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 123      A    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 124      E    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 127     SET               
TH 120      c    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 125     C    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 126      H    stålkärna, kromspunnen

Hårdhet: Soft (W), Medium (M), Heavy (ST)

Finns i Storlekar: 4/4, 3/4, 1/2

TH 121S     A    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 122S    E    stålkärna, kromspunnen 
TH 123S     H    stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 124S     F#  stålkärna, kromspunnen
TH 128      SET               
TH 125S     C#  stålkärna, kromspunnen 










Copyright ©2005 [Brinks Musik AB]. All rights reserved
Granskad: 16 januari 2025