Amongst string players and guitarists it is considered good form to equip instruments with handmade strings from Thomastik-Infeld. 
The manufacturing of strings in the very heart of Vienna – the City of Music – has a long tradition.
Our basic principle is to develop a high-quality musical string at the latest technological level. On the one hand, we set great store by sustainability in environmental and social areas. On the other hand, we pay attention to individual service to enthuse our customers for our products. The combination of craftsmanship, high tech and a highly qualified team is the secret of the success of Thomastik-Infeld.




Designed for Rickenbacker 12 string guitars









Nylonsträng för spansk/klassisk 
modell med en klar, varm ton. 


Slipad nylonsträng för klassisk 
gitarr med en mjuk, briljant 
ton och extra lång sustain!


Nylonsträng med hög densitet. 
Distinkt, precis ton. Briljant diskant, 
klar bas. Superb intonation.


Ny sträng för klassisk gitarr av 
ett nytt hybridmaterial som likt 
karbonsträngar ger en briljant 
kraftfull ton men även fyllig 
och varm som en nylonsträng.



Rundspunnen bronsstålsträng 
idealisk för fingerspel!


Rundspunnen bronsstålsträng 
med en klar, balanserad ton. 
Idealisk för studioinspelning!


Slipad bronsstålsträng med en 
mjuk ton. Low tension!


En kombinerad nylon och 
stålspunnen sträng med stor, 
varm bas (low picking noise) 
& briljant ton i diskanten.




Rundspunnen lättspelad sträng 
med vass aggresiv ton & extra 
lång sustain. High output 
x-boost i diskanten



Power-Brights med tjockare 
strängar i basen. För dem 
som vill ha en fetare ton 
med lägre mid och botten!


Rundspunnen sträng med 
fyllig, dämpad ton. D,A,G 
är rundspunna med silkes-
inläggning för att balansera 
de högre frekvenserna.


Slipad stålsträng med en 
fyllig, balanserad ton, 
speciellt framtagen för
Rickenbacker 12-str



Slipad stålsträng med en 
dämpad, fyllig ton, 
för halv- & hel-akustiska 


Rundspunnen sträng med en 
kristallklar, vass, gnistrande 
ton gitarr med extra stor 


Nickelspunnen stålsträng för 
hel- & halv-akustisk Jazz/
Orkester-gitarr. Custom set 
för George Benson.





Oslipad stålsträng. 
Magnecore-spunnen hexcore 
ger klar, kraftig ton med hög 
output & balans.


Slipad stålsträng, nickel-
spunnen med silkesinläggning. 
Smidig och balanserad sträng 
med en varm, djup ton.


Oslipad stålsträng m. liknande 
spec. som flatwound strängen 
med lite vassare ton, low tension.


Oslipad fosfor-bronsspunnen 
sträng med nylonkärna ger 
en mjuk, organisk, naturlig ton.

















CLASSIC N  (Superlona) 

Nylonsträng för spansk/klassisk modell med en klar, varm ton. Lättspelad!

Heavy duty nylon strings, with a choice of two styles of basses (E, A, D): either silver plated copper roundwound (CR127), or chrome steel flatwound (CF127). Classic N strings are easy to play, and represent an excellent value in a student or practice string. CF128 has a wound G-3rd. CR128 hybrid set contains a high density synthetic fiber G-string.

Round Wound
TH CN 27     E nylon
TH CN 31     B nylon
TH CN 39     G nylon
TH CR 30     D silverpläterad koppar rundspunnen
TH CR 35     A silverpläterad koppar rundspunnen
TH CR 43     E silverpläterad koppar rundspunnen
TH CR 127

Flat Wound
TH CN 27     E nylon
TH CN 31     B nylon
TH CN 39     G nylon
TH CF 30     D kromstålspunnen, slipad
TH CF 35     A kromstålspunnen, slipad
TH CF 45     E kromstålspunnen, slipad
TH CF 127






Slipad sträng för klassisk gitarr med en mjuk, briljant ton och extra lång sustain!

Exceptional steel string alternatives for concert, fingerstyle and folk guitarists.

Flat Wound, tvinnad kärna  (Künstlerseil)
TH KN 16     E nylonspunnen
TH KN 24     B nylonspunnen
TH KN 25     G nylonspunnen
TH KR 23     D silverpläterad koppar, slipad
TH KR 31     A silverpläterad koppar, slipad
TH KR 39     E silverpläterad koppar, slipad
TH KR 116

Flat Wound, stålkärna  (Precision)
TH P 10       E stål
TH KF 14     B stålspunnen, slipad
TH KF 18     G stålspunnen, slipad
TH KF 24     D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH KF 31     A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH KF 38     E nickelspunnen, slipad
TH KF 110








Nylonsträng med hög densitet. Distinkt, precis ton. Briljant diskant, klar bas. Superb intonation.

Round Wound
TH CP 24     E syntetfiber
TH CP 28     B syntetfiber
TH CP 33     G syntetfiber
TH CC 32     D silverpläterad koppar rundspunnen
TH CC 37     A silverpläterad koppar rundspunnen
TH CC 46     E silverpläterad koppar rundspunnen
TH CC 124



Ny sträng för klassisk gitarr av ett nytt hybridmaterial som likt karbonsträngar ger en briljant kraftfull ton men även fyllig och varm 
som en nylonsträng.

Our new Classic Guitar strings offer brilliance and power, like carbon strings but also a full, warm sound you usually get from nylon strings. They wow with immediate attack and translate every impulse from your fingers. The new hybrid material designed by Thomastik-lnfeld makes it possible.

CRK 124 MT   Medium tension
TH CPK 24     E karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CPK 27     B karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CPK 33     G karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK 29     D karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK 35     A karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK 46     E karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK124   SET        

CRK 125 HT   Hard tension
TH CPK 25     E karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CPK 28     B karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CPK 34     G karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK 30     D karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK 36     A karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK 47     E karbon/nylon hybridmaterial
TH CRK125   SET      







JOHN PEARSE  (Fingerpicking) 

En kombinerad nylon och stålspunnen sträng med stor, varm bas (low picking noise) & briljant ton i diskanten.

The bass strings E, A, d are round wound on a nylon core for a big  warm sound without ­distracting picking noises. The treble strings are flatwound nylon on a rope core and sound brighter than nylon strings. JOHN PEARSE is the perfect set for acoustic fingerstyle guitar.

TH PJ 16     E nylonspunnen stålkärna, slipad
TH PJ 24     B nylonspunnen stålkärna, slipad
TH PJ 25     G nylonspunnen stålkärna, slipad
TH PJ 30     D rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH PJ 35     A rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH PJ 43     E rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH PJ 116




Acoustic Guitar strings for fingerstyle!

Bronsstålsträngar idealiska för fingerspel! 

The strings in the set INFELD BRONZE (NO. IBR112T) for acoustic guitars are wound with phosphor bronze. 
They add the finishing touch to a characteristic fingerstyle performance. And since they are very durable, 
you’ll be able to enjoy them for quite a while.

TH P 12T      E
tennpläterad stål
TH P 16T      B
tennpläterad stål
TH IBR 24     G brons spunnen
TH IBR 32     D brons spunnen
TH IBR 42     A brons spunnen
TH IBR 53     E brons spunnen


SPECTRUM  (Bronze) 

Rundspunnen bronsstålsträng med en klar, balanserad ton. Idealisk för studioinspelning!

The ultimate bronze round wound acoustic string! The SPECTRUM BRONZE strings are specially designed for the demands of professional recording, yet is also unsurpassed in live performance situations. A unique bronze formula, combined with Thomastik-Infeld’s mastery of mechanical filtering with their silk inlay technology, gives a full warm tone, with a sparkling clarity that lets you cut through a dense sound mix. Playing feel is very balanced, and they are surprisingly long lasting. Available in 6 and 12 string sets.

TH P 10       E stål
TH P 14       B stål
TH SB 22     G brons rundspunnen
TH SB 30     D brons rundspunnen
TH SB 41     A brons rundspunnen
TH SB 50     E brons rundspunnen
TH SB 110

TH P 11       E stål
TH P 15       B stål
TH SB 24     G brons rundspunnen
TH SB 32     D brons rundspunnen
TH SB 43     A brons rundspunnen
TH SB 52     E brons rundspunnen
TH SB 111

TH P 12       E stål
TH P 16       B stål
TH SB 25     G brons rundspunnen
TH SB 35     D brons rundspunnen
TH SB 44     A brons rundspunnen
TH SB 54     E brons rundspunnen
TH SB 112

TH P 13       E stål
TH P 17       B stål
TH SB 26     G brons rundspunnen
TH SB 36     D brons rundspunnen
TH SB 45     A brons rundspunnen
TH SB 57     E brons rundspunnen
TH SB 113

12-str. X-LIGHT
TH P 10       E stål
TH P 10       e stål
TH P 14       B stål
TH P 14       b stål
TH SB 22     G brons rundspunnen
TH P08G(T)  g stål
TH SB 30     D brons rundspunnen
TH P 13       d stål
TH SB 41     A brons rundspunnen
TH SB 17     a bronsspunnen, slipad
TH SB 50     E brons rundspunnen
TH SB 22     e brons rundspunnen
TH SB 210

12-str. LIGHT
TH P 11       E stål
TH P 11       e stål
TH P 15       B stål
TH P 15       b stål
TH SB 24     G brons rundspunnen
TH P09G(T)  g stål
TH SB 32     D brons rundspunnen
TH P 14(T)   d stål
TH SB 43     A brons rundspunnen
TH SB 18     a bronsspunnen, slipad
TH SB 52     E brons rundspunnen
TH SB 23     e bronsspunnen, slipad
TH SB 211




Slipad bronsstålsträng med en mjuk ton. 
Low tension!

A remarkable string that prompts comments like: “l never knew a string like this existed!”. The combination of lower overall tension, hybrid arrangement of flatwounds (A,D,G) with roundwound low E, and silk inlays (for precise overtone balance) produces a beautiful, almost classical tone, with the warmth of bronze and the easy playability of a fine set of jazz strings. And because of its low, evenly balanced tensions, PLECTRUMS can extend  the playing life of many fine older guitars with weak bracing or other special age conditions.

TH P10(T)    E stål
TH P13(T)    B stål
TH AC016    G bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC022    D bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC030    A bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC041    E brons rundspunnen
TH AC 110

TH P11(T)    E stål
TH P14(T)    B stål
TH AC019    G bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC027    D bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC036    A bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC050    E brons rundspunnen
TH AC 111

TH P12(T)    E stål
TH P15(T)    B stål
TH AC024    G bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC033    D brons rundspunnen
TH AC044    A brons rundspunnen
TH AC059    E brons rundspunnen
TH AC 112

TH P13(T)    E stål
TH P16(T)    B stål
TH AC025    G brons rundspunnen
TH AC034    D brons rundspunnen
TH AC047    A brons rundspunnen
TH AC061    E brons rundspunnen
TH AC 113

12-str.  X-LIGHT
TH P10(T)    E stål
TH P10(T)    e stål
TH P13(T)    B stål
TH P13(T)    b stål
TH AC 016   G bronsspunnen, slipad
TH P08G(T)  g stål
TH AC022    D bronsspunnen, slipad
TH P10(T)    d stål
TH AC030    A bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC014    A bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC041    E brons rundspunnen
TH AC519    e bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC 210

12-str.  LIGHT
TH P11(T)    E stål
TH P11(T)    e stål
TH P14(T)    B stål
TH P14(T)    b stål
TH AC 019   G bronsspunnen, slipad
TH P09G(T)  g stål
TH AC027    D bronsspunnen, slipad
TH P12(T)    d stål
TH AC036    A bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC516    A bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC050    E brons rundspunnen
TH AC522    e bronsspunnen, slipad
TH AC 211




Rundspunnen lättspelad sträng med vass aggresiv ton & extra lång sustain. High output x-boost i diskanten

Round wound Magnecore alloy on a flexible hexcore for a bright aggressive tone, extra long sustain and reduced playing effort. Designed to enhance harmonics and percussive effects like tapping. High output plus a boost in the high frequencies drive effects to their limits. POWER-BRIGHTS love distortion!

TH P08        E stål
TH P10        B stål
TH P15        G stål
TH PB 22     D magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 28     A magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 40     E magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 108

TH P09        E stål
TH P11        B stål
TH P16        G stål
TH PB 24     D magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 32     A magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 42     E magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 109

TH P10        E stål
TH P13        B stål
TH P17        G stål
TH PB 26     D magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 35     A magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 45     E magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 110

TH P11        E stål
TH P14        B stål
TH P18        G stål
TH PB 28     D magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 37     A magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 46     E magnecore rundspunnen
TH PB 111



Rundspunnen lättspelad sträng med vass aggresiv ton & extra lång sustain. High output x-boost i diskanten.

Same materials, construction and characteristics as the POWER-BRIGHTS REGULAR BOTTOM strings, but with heavier gauges towards the basses, for players who like a “fatter” tone stronger in the lower mids and bottom end.

TH P09        E stål
TH P11        B stål
TH P17        G stål
TH RP 26     D magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 37     A magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 46     E magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 109

TH P10        E stål
TH P13        B stål
TH P18        G stål
TH RP 28     D magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 42     A magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 50     E magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 110

TH P11        E stål
TH P15        B stål
TH P19        G stål
TH RP 32     D magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 45     A magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 53     E magnecore rundspunnen
TH RP 111




Rundspunnen sträng med fyllig, dämpad ton. D,A,G är rundspunna med silkes-inläggning för att balansera de högre frekvenserna.

Round wound nickel with a silk inlay (E, A, d) for a big “round” tone. Even-order harmonics are reinforced for a smooth, velvety sound reminiscent of vintage electric blues and R&B. Overdrive your amp a little and listen to them sing! blues sliders are also perfect for classic rock, rocka­billy and country.

TH P09        E stål
TH P12        B stål
TH P15        G stål
TH SL 25     D rundspunnen med silkesinläggning
TH SL 33     A rundspunnen med silkesinläggning
TH SL 43     E rundspunnen med silkesinläggning
TH SL 109

TH P10        E stål
TH P13        B stål
TH P16        G stål
TH SL 28     D rundspunnen med silkesinläggning
TH SL 37     A rundspunnen med silkesinläggning
TH SL 48     E rundspunnen med silkesinläggning
TH SL 110








Slipad stålsträng med en fyllig, balanserad ton, 
speciellt framtagen för Rickenbacker 12-str.

Our new INFELD 12 set of guitar strings is especially 
for Rickenbacker 12 string guitars.

The handmade Thomastik-Infeld strings from Vienna offer a very balanced sound – from string to string and from octave to octave – and support the signature sound of the Rickenbacker 12 string guitar. Due to their special winding materials there are no more squeaks when gliding up and down the fingerboard and they are also extremely durable.

TH P10        E stål
TH P10        E stål
TH P13        B stål
TH P13        B stål
TH P10        g-oktav stål
TH JS 20      G
nickelspunnen, slipad
TH P13        d-oktav stål
JS 25      D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 20      a-oktav
nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 35      A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 25      e-oktav nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 44      E nickelspunnen, slipad 
TH IF 210



Find the most important technical information about Thomastik-Infeld set NO IF210
for Rickenbacker 12 string guitars in the table below. 
The tension measurement is based on a
scale length of 25.5’’ (648 mm).




Slipad stålsträng med en dämpad, fyllig ton, för halv- & hel-akustiska Jazz/Orkestergitarrer

This is the legendary flatwound jazz guitar string! A list of its players reads like a Jazz Hall of Fame, and it’s still the undisputed king of flatwounds, for many of today’s jazz greats. A true flatwound (not a “ground wound” or “compressed wound” like some of the pretenders) with glassy smooth polished nickel winding on a round core, it has the perfect balance of fundamental to overtones required for traditional jazz. Some players claim that its mellow, powerful tones actually improve with age!

TH P10        E stål
TH P14        B stål
TH JS 18     G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 23     D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 33     A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 44     E nickelspunnen, slipad 
TH JS 110

TH P11        E stål
TH P15        B stål
TH JS 19     G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 25     D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 35     A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 47     E nickelspunnen, slipad 
TH JS 111

TH P12        E stål
TH P16        B stål
TH JS 20     G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 27     D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 37     A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 50     E nickelspunnen, slipad 
TH JS 112

TH P13        E stål
TH P17        B stål
TH JS 21     G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 28     D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 39     A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JS 53     E nickelspunnen, slipad 
TH JS 113




Rundspunnen sträng med en kristallklar, vass, gnistrande ton gitarr med extra stor resonanslåda

Probably the only round wound guitar string that can truly be called a jazz string. A similarity to the JAZZ SWING in materials and string architecture, but with a small gauge round wound nickel winding, produces a strong, fundamental rich jazzy tone that is somewhat brighter than a flatwound. This remarkable string is an excellent alternate choice or the player wanting real jazz tone, but with a bit more of an “edge”.

TH P11        E stål
TH P15        B stål
TH P19        G stål
TH BB 26     D nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 34     A nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 47     E nickel rundspunnen 
TH BB 111

TH P12        E stål
TH P16        B stål
TH P20        G stål
TH BB 28     D nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 36     A nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 50     E nickel rundspunnen 
TH BB 112

TH P13        E stål
TH P17        B stål
TH BB 21     G nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 30     D nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 38     A nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 53     E nickel rundspunnen 
TH BB 113

TH P14        E stål
TH P18        B stål
TH BB 22     G nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 32     D nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 40     A nickel rundspunnen
TH BB 55     E nickel rundspunnen 
TH BB 114




Nickelspunnen stålsträng för hel- & halv-akustisk Jazz/Orkester-gitarr. Custom set för George Benson.

The dynamics of George Benson Jazz Strings by Thomastik-Infeld were designed-in from the beginning. Like true intonation. Excellent sustain. Superior durability. And of course, a feel you simply have to experience. Just ask George. They’re designed to his specs.

TH P12        E stål
TH P16        B stål
TH GB 20     G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH GB 28     D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH GB 39     A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH GB 53     E nickelspunnen, slipad 
TH GB 112

Flat Wound  MEDIUM
TH P14        E stål
TH P18        B stål
TH GB 21     G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH GB 31     D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH GB 41     A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH GB 55     E nickelspunnen, slipad 
TH GB 114

TH P12        E stål
TH P16        B stål
TH GR 20     G nickel rundspunnen
TH GR 30     D nickel rundspunnen
TH GR 38     A nickel rundspunnen
TH GR 53     E nickel rundspunnen 
TH GR 112





Oslipad stålsträng. Magnecore-spunnen hexcore ger klar, kraftig ton med hög output & balans.

The combination of Thomastik-Infeld’s powerful Magnecore winding wrapped onto an extremely flexible steel hex core give this set unmatched clarity and transparency while maintaining maximum output. Carefully researched tension and gauging wound on microprocessor controlled machines ensure string to string balance.

Long Scale 34"   
TH EB34047   G magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34068   D magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34080   A magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34107   E magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB 344

Long Scale 34"   
TH EB34047   G magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34068   D magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34080   A magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34107   E magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34119   B magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB 345
    SET  5-str.     

Long Scale 34"   
TH EB34032   C magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34047   G magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34068   D magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34080   A magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34107   E magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB34119   B magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH EB 346
    SET  6-str.  





JAZZ BASS Flat Wound

Slipad stålsträng, nickelspunnen med silkesinläggning. Smidig och balanserad sträng med en varm, djup ton.

Nobody knows flatwound bass strings better than Thomastik-Infeld. SPIROCORE strings by Thomastik-Infeld have been legendary among upright bassists for decades. Now the electric bassist can also experience the Thomastik-Infeld sound. Thomastik-Infeld utilizes a highly pliable steel core which is wrapped with a silk inlay. The outer winding is a true ribbon flatwound constructed of a special nickel alloy. The result is an incredible depth of tone and an enhanced fundamental which is unavailable from any other flatwound.

Short Scale 32"   
TH JF32043   G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF32056   D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF32070   A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF32106   E nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF 324

Long Scale 34"   
TH JF34043   G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34056   D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34070   A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34100   E nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF 344

Long Scale 34"   
TH JF34043   G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34056   D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34070   A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34100   E nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34136   B nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF 345
   SET  5-str. 

Long Scale 34"   
TH JF34033   C nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34043   G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34056   D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34070   A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34100   E nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF34136   B nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF 346
   SET  6-str. 

Super Long Scale 36"   
TH JF36044   G nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF36057   D nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF36072   A nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF36096   E nickelspunnen, slipad
TH JF 364



JAZZ BASS Round Wound 

Oslipad stålsträng m. liknande spec. som flatwound strängen med lite vassare to. 
Low tension.

This unique sounding string has a construction very similar to it’s flatwound counterpart but with slightly more edge. The round outer-wrap is a small diameter nickel alloy winding which ads slightly more bite to the upright style tone without the typical roundwound side effects of excessive string squeak and premature fret wear. The set is designed with a lower tension and gauging to increase ease of playability and reduce strain on the instrument’s neck without sacrificing output.

Short Scale 32"   
TH JR32042   G nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR32056   D nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR32069   A nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR32093   E nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR 324

Long Scale 34"   
TH JR34043   G nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34051   D nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34068   A nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34089   E nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR 344

Long Scale 34"   
TH JR34043   G nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34051   D nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34068   A nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34089   E nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34118   B nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR 345
    SET  5-str. 

Long Scale 34"   
TH JR34029   C nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34043   G nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34051   D nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34068   A nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34089   E nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR34118   B nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR 346
    SET  6-str. 

Super Long Scale 36"   
TH JR36043   G nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR36055   D nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR36075   A nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR36101   E nickel rundspunnen roundcore
TH JR 364




Oslipad fosfor-bronsspunnen sträng med nylonkärna ger en mjuk, organisk, naturlig ton.

Ideal for acoustic bass guitars and piezo­electric equipped solidbody basses. This set has a phosphor bronze round wound winding around a nylon core which produces a smooth, organic, upright bass tone.

Long Scale 34"   
TH AB34041   G fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34053   D fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34068   A fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34086   E fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB 344

Long Scale 34"   
TH AB34041   G fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34053   D fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34068   A fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34086   E fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34118   B fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB 345
    SET  5-str.     

Long Scale 34"   
TH AB34035   C magnecore rundspunnen hexcore
TH AB34041   G fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34053   D fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34068   A fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34086   E fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB34118   B fosforbrons rundspunnen nylonkärna
TH AB 346
    SET  6-str.





BLUEGRASS BANJO  (5-string) 

Thomastik-Infeld 5-string banjo string sets are specially designed to give excellent tuning stability, even when bending notes or using D-tuners.

Mensur: 69 cm (27")

TH 5755/1    D    .012 stål
TH 5755/2    H    .013 stål
TH 5755/3    G    .017 kromspunnen
TH 5755/4    D    .024 kromspunnen
TH 5755/5    G    .009 stål 33:-
TH 5755      SET





TENOR BANJO  (4-string) 

Long lasting 4 string set with great tuning stability and sweet sound.

Mensur: 58 cm (23")

TH 1240      A    .010 stål
TH 1241      D    .012 stål
TH 1242      G    .021 kromspunnen
TH 1243      C    .031 kromspunnen
TH 1244     SET







The strings are flat wound on chrome steel and highly polished except the plain E-string of the Mandolin set, which is made of tin plated silver steel. They have a steel core made of special alloy with high elasticity and durability. The sound of the Mandolin strings is clear and brilliant. The Mandola strings are particulary smooth, round and voluminous. All strings are easy in handling and have a long life span.

Mensur: 34 cm

TH 150      E    (2-pack) stål
TH 151      A    (2-pack) kromspunnen
TH 152      D    (2-pack) kromspunnen
TH 153      G    (2-pack) kromspunnen
TH 154     SET



The strings are flat wound on chrome steel and highly polished except the plain E-string of the Mandolin set, which is made of tin plated silver steel. They have a steel core made of special alloy with high elasticity and durability. The sound of the Mandolin strings is clear and brilliant. The Mandola strings are particulary smooth, round and voluminous. All strings are easy in handling and have a long life span.

Mensur: 45 cm
TH 170      E    (2-pack) kromspunnen
TH 171      A    (2-pack) kromspunnen
TH 172      D    (2-pack) kromspunnen
TH 173      G    (2-pack) kromspunnen
TH 174     SET

Mensur: 43,5 cm
TH 5122 SET






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Granskad: 16 januari 2025